Doctor Carlos Martinez Nuñez

Carlos Martínez Núñez

Postdoctoral Researcher


You can view my full CV here



Current Position

Posdoctoral Researcher

Initial date: 01/12/2022

Institution: CSIC

Department: Ecología y Evolución / Estación Biológica de Doñana

Country: Spain

Keywords: Agroecology; Macroecology; Biodiversity; Conservation

Previous Positions

01/06/2021 – 31/11/2022:
Postdoc / Agroscope / Switzerland / Started position at EBD

26/09/2020 – 26/12/2020:
Visiting researcher/ University of Wageningen/ The Netherlands/ End of research stay

11/12/2018 – 15/03/2019:
Visiting researcher/ University of Würzburg/ Germany/ End of research stay

01/05/2017 – 15/04/2021:
PhD student / University of Jaen / Spain / End of grant and start of Postdoc position

01/08/2017 – 28/02/2017:
Researcher/ private Foundation (Matrix)/ Spain/ Ended work contract to start PhD at the University of Jaen

20/12/2016 – 01/06/2017:
Field Technician/ The Sloth Institute/ Costa Rica/ Ended work to start with a research position in a private Foundation


PhD: University of Jaen - 2021

Master: University of Granada - 2015

Degree: University of Granada - 2013


1) AGRABIES (CGL2015‐68963‐C2, MINECO, Gobierno de España and FEDER; coordinated project); Budget: ~ € 230 000. Title: Filtros macroecológicos y antropogénicos sobre la biodiversidad animal en agroecosistémas arbóreos ibéricos: efectos multiescalados sobre funciones y servicios ecosistémicos; Date: 2016-2020; Pedro J. Rey (University of Jaen) & Daniel García (University of Oviedo). PhD associated to project (FPI). I contributed with field work, data analysis and producing articles. For some studies I had the opportunity to contribute also during the conceptualization process and the study design.

2) RECOVECOS (PID2019-108332GB-I00, MICIN, Gobierno de España and FEDER). Budget = ~ € 180 000. Recovering ecosystem services provided by the fauna in permanent croplands: effects of the land use intensification and landscape complexity in olive grove landscapes. Date: 2020-2024. P.I Pedro J. Rey. Researcher associated to the work team. I am participating in the study design, data analysis and co-supervision of a PhD student.

3) LIFE OLIVARES VIVOS (LIFE14 NAT/ES/001094, European Commission). Budget: € 2 856 005. Title: Olives Alive. Date: 10/2015-05/2021. Coordinator: SEO/Birdlife Spain and Pedro J. Rey. Researcher. Field work, writing papers, outreach.

4) SAFEGUARD SC5-32-2020; European Union 3.5.2. H2020. Budget: € 7 850 403,75. Date: 09/2021-08/2025. Coordinator: Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter (University of Würzburg, Germany). Researcher associated to Work Package 2. Data analysis and writing a paper.

5) COMEVO (PID2021-123304NA-I00, MICINN, Gobierno de España. Proyectos de generación de conocimiento). El teatro ecológico y el juego evolutivo: integrando las interacciones entre especies y la macroevolución en un contexto de comunidades. Budget = 39 968 €. Coordinator: Vicente García-Navas. Associate Researcher. Date: 2022 – ongoing.

Training Activity

During my relatively short academic career, I have supervised the final degree project of a biology student at University of Jaén (year 2021). I have also supervised three master students (two ongoing projects with students from Pablo de Olavide University and one from the University of Jaén (year 2019). I have also had the opportunity to co-supervise a PhD student (year 2020-ongoing), and have pro-actively been engaged in mentoring other students with which I have collaborative papers. In addition, I have been a lecturer for several years (~70 hours in total) in four different subjects at University of Jaén, for Biology and Environmental Science students.