
Carlos Martínez


Domingo Cano


Mari Paz Medina


Pelayo Barrios


Rocío & Emilia


Bryan & Dani

Web Developers

In my master's thesis, I am trying to uncover the main global predictors of bird phylogenetic diversity at the regional scale. For this, I am using a global dataset of bird occurrences, a phylogeny of all extant birds, and environmental data at the regional scale. Preliminary results show that mean annual temperature is the best predictor of high bird phylogenetic diversity in every biogeographic realm. In addition, low mean altitude, high net primary productivity, and high land-use diversity also have positive effects on phylogenetic diversity, mostly mediated by species richness. My study highlights the importance of understanding environmental factors in shaping bird phylogenetic biodiversity worldwide and the potential effect of climate change on re-estructuring bird assemblages. Click here to contact me.


My PhD thesis aims to explore how the interplay between landscape context and agricultural practices shapes pollinator communities through an interaction network approach in the olive grove landscapes of Andalusia (southern Spain). I hope my research will generate knowledge to design more effective actions for the restoration and conservation of pollinators in agricultural landscapes. I am very interested in entomology, specifically in the ecology and taxonomy of pollinating insects. Click here to contact me.


In my master's thesis, I am studying the impact of agricultural intensification on pollinators functional diversity and trait filtering (weighted mean traits, such as body size, relative tongue size, and relative wing size). For this, we focus on wild bees on olive farms, a very important permanent crop for the economy and biodiversity, covering extensive areas in the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot. Preliminary results reveal that local factors, such as the quality of flower patches, related to the management practices on the field can impact the richness of bees as well as their functional traits. Specifically, average bee body size was positively correlated with herb and flower cover. Similarly, wing size was positively correlated with herb coverage. Tongue length was negatively correlated with herb richness and flower coverage. Also, the taxonomic richness of bees increased with herb richness and flower coverage. Click here to contact me.


Key part of the team. In addition to my ecological endeavours, I am fortunate to have the support of my lovely partner Rocío and our delightful lab companion, Emilia. They play an integral role in both my personal life and my journey as an ecologist. Emilia, with her playful spirit and boundless energy, brings a wagging tail and a touch of joy to the lab. Exploring the great outdoors alongside me and sniffing out interesting scents are some of her specialties.


Hello World!
We are web developers just starting out our journey, and are excited to show what we can do. We hope you enjoy the website. - Bryan and Dani
Click here for Dani - Click here for Bryan
